Full of job offers that can debut as an employee from freeters and inexperienced people! You can change jobs with peace of mind because we are posting job offers that allow you to perform trial work and tours at your place of employment!
日本最大級の求人サイト【バイトル】でおなじみディップ株式会社の社員募集を中心とした求人サイト【正社員、社員デビュー歓迎の転職求人情報ならバイトルNEXT】の転職アプリ!!学歴不問、未経験歓迎、ミドル(40代~)歓迎などの正社員経験がない初心者の方でも安心してチャレンジできる転職(求人)情報が満載です。面接確約、履歴書不要、学歴不問などの案件も多数掲載。バイトルNEXTは案件毎日更新中!正社員デビューといえばバイトルNEXTあなたの夢を叶える正社員のお仕事に転職できるかも!?===アプリの特徴===■持ち味や雰囲気から自分に合った求人を探そう!動画も見れる!「堅実志向」や「チャレンジ志向」などから仕事探しができます。マッチ度の高い仕事に応募しよう!動画で職場の雰囲気の確認もできます。■気に入った仕事(求人)はキープしてみよう!気になった仕事(求人)は「★キープ」をタップ「キープリスト」からキープした仕事情報だけを見ることが出来ます。気になる求人は早めに応募しよう!■プロフィールで応募情報を事前入力しよう!メニューのプロフィールでは応募に必要な情報を事前登録できます。事前に項目を埋めておけば、応募時に自動入力されているのでボタン一つで気になる仕事に楽々応募することが出来ます。企業からのスカウトが届くことも!■気になる仕事は職場見学しよう!バイトルNEXTでは職場見学・しごと体験ができます!職場の雰囲気が気になる方はぜひ見学してみましょう!===バイトルNEXTはこんな方におすすめ!===・正社員を条件に仕事探しがしたい・フリーターから社員デビューしたい・保育関係の求人情報/転職情報を見たい・未経験から転職して正社員になりたい・アルバイトから社員になりたい・転職して安定した仕事に就職(転職)したい・正社員の案件数が多い転職アプリを使いたい・無料の転職アプリを使いたい・月給30万円以上の正社員の求人を探して転職したい・サービス系の求人情報/転職情報を見たい・転職を考えているので、細かい条件で仕事探しができるサイトを使いたい・転職活動中で、建築関係の求人を中心に見たい・働ける時間帯が限られているが、正社員の仕事に転職したい・教育関係の求人情報/転職情報を見たい・仕事探しができる求人情報アプリが欲しい・たくさんの正社員や求人情報から短期など自分にあった仕事探しをして転職したい・工場で働けるの求人情報/転職情報を見たい・就職をしたいので、正社員の求人情報がみたい・まだ子供が小さいので、在宅ワークが中心の仕事に転職したい・営業系の求人情報/転職情報を見たい・様々な業種の社員求人を見たいので、バイト以外に正社員の求人も扱っているアプリがいい・時給や日給が見やすい正社員/転職情報アプリを探している・子ども好きなので保育士として働ける場所を探せる求人サイトのアプリ版が欲しい・履歴書不要の正社員ですぐ働ける仕事を探したい・転職アプリで企業とのメッセージや、やり取りをしっかりと管理したい・福祉系の求人情報/転職情報を見たい・新着情報のお知らせを受け取り、転職活動を効率的にに進めたい・たくさんの求人情報から、素早く条件にある求人を探して転職したい・転職活動中に、企業との面接の日程をスムーズに決めたい・完全週休2日制で土日祝日休みの企業に転職したい・看護師の転職に役立つ情報や転職情報を集めたい・第二新卒で転職したい・現場の雰囲気を知ってから転職したい・契約社員の仕事探しをしたい・女性の転職に役立つ情報や転職情報を集めたい・残業なしの求人を中心に仕事探しをしている・深夜に働ける仕事に就職(転職)したい・WEB面接が可能な求人を見たい・仕事へのこだわりがマッチするかを考えて仕事探ししている・人との接し方が自分に合うかどうかで仕事探しをしている・東京や大阪などの大都市で就職したい・職種や特徴で絞り込んで求人情報を見たい・未経験歓迎の求人情報を探している・仕事探しをしているが、求人情報で男女比を見てから就職(転職)したい・転職活動中で、服装が自由な求人を探している・転職活動中で、髪型が自由な求人を探している・ネイルOKの求人を探している・仕事探しをしているが、副業OKの会社に転職したい・将来は独立を考えながら仕事探しをしている・資格が取得できる会社の求人を探している・警備系の求人情報/転職情報を見たい・スキルが身につく会社の求人を探している・ドライバーの転職に役立つ情報や転職情報を集めたい・配達系の求人情報/転職情報を見たい・ブランク有だが、再就職を考えている・理容師の転職に役立つ情報や転職情報を集めたい・仕事探しをしているが、産休がある会社に就職(転職)したい・転職活動中で、美容関係の求人を中心に見たい・エステティシャンの転職に役立つ情報や転職情報を集めたい・育休がある会社に就職(転職)したい・バイク通勤が可能な求人を見つけて転職したい・転職条件では、職場の雰囲気を重視して仕事探しをしている・飲食店の求人情報/転職情報を見たい・個人営業の転職に役立つ情報や転職情報を集めたい・社宅ありの求人を見ながら仕事探しをしたい・登録販売者の資格が活かせる求人を中心に仕事探しをしたい・電気工事士の転職に役立つ情報や転職情報を集めたい・転職活動中で、医療関係の求人を中心に見たい・使いやすい転職アプリを使って、良い転職にしたい・IT系の求人情報/転職情報を見たいFamiliar with Japans largest recruitment site [Baitoru]Recruiting site centered on recruiting employees of DIP Corporation[Baitoru NEXT for job information that welcomes regular employees and employee debuts] Job change app! !!Even beginners who do not have full-time employee experience such as no educational background, inexperienced welcome, middle (40s ~) welcome etc.It is full of job change (job offer) information that you can challenge with confidence.Many projects such as interview promises, no resume required, and no educational background are posted.Bytle NEXT is being updated every day!Speaking of full-time employee debut, Baitoru NEXTYou may be able to change jobs to a full-time employee who will make your dreams come true! ??=== App Features ===■ Find a job that suits you based on your characteristics and atmosphere! You can also watch the video!You can search for a job from "steady-oriented" or "challenge-oriented".Apply for a job with a high degree of match!You can also check the atmosphere of the workplace with the video.■ Lets keep your favorite job (job offer)!Tap "★ Keep" for the job (job offer) you are interested inYou can see only the work information you have kept from the "Keep List".Apply early if you are interested in a job!■ Pre-enter application information in your profile!You can pre-register the information required for application in the profile of the menu.If you fill in the items in advance, it will be automatically entered at the time of application.You can easily apply for the job you are interested in with the touch of a button.Scouts from companies can also arrive!■ Lets tour the workplace for the work you care about!At Baitoru NEXT, you can tour the workplace and experience work!If you are interested in the atmosphere of the workplace, please take a look!=== Baitoru NEXT is recommended for these people! ===・ I want to find a job on condition of regular employees・ I want to make an employee debut from a part-time jobber・ I want to see job information / job change information related to childcare・ I want to change jobs from inexperienced to become a full-time employee・ I want to become an employee from a part-time job・ I want to change jobs and get a stable job (change job)・ I want to use a job change app that has a large number of regular employees・ I want to use a free job change app・ I want to find a job for a full-time employee with a monthly salary of 300,000 yen or more and change jobs.・ I want to see job information / job change information for services・ Im thinking about changing jobs, so I want to use a site where I can search for jobs under detailed conditions.・ I want to see mainly construction-related jobs during job change activities・ I have limited working hours, but I want to change jobs to a full-time employee.・ I want to see job information / job change information related to education・ I want a job information app that allows me to search for jobs・ I want to find a job that suits me, such as a short term, from a lot of regular employees and job information, and change jobs.・ I want to see job information / job change information that can work at the factory・ I want to get a job, so I would like to see job information for regular employees.・ Since my child is still small, I want to change jobs to work that focuses on home work.・ I want to see sales-related job information / job change information・ I want to see job offers for employees in various industries, so I would like an app that handles job offers for regular employees in addition to part-time jobs.・ Im looking for a full-time employee / job change information app that makes it easy to see hourly and daily wages.・ I like children, so I want an app version of a job site where I can find a place where I can work as a childcare worker.・ I want to find a job that can be worked immediately by a full-time employee who does not need a resume・ I want to manage messages and exchanges with companies with the job change app.・ I want to see welfare job information / job change information・ I want to receive notifications of new information and proceed with job change activities efficiently.・ I want to quickly find a job that meets the conditions from a lot of job information and change jobs.・ I want to smoothly schedule an interview with a company during job change activities.・ I want to change jobs to a company that is closed on weekends and holidays with a complete weekly two-day system.・ I want to collect useful information and job change information for nurses.・ I want to change jobs as a second graduate・ I want to change jobs after knowing the atmosphere of the site・ I want to find a job for a contract employee・ I want to collect useful information and job change information for women.・ I am looking for a job centered on job offers without overtime.・ I want to get a job (change job) at a job that I can work at midnight・ I want to see jobs that can be interviewed online・ Im looking for a job considering whether my commitment to work matches.・ Im looking for a job based on whether the way I interact with people suits me・ I want to get a job in a big city such as Tokyo or Osaka・ I want to see job information by narrowing down by job type and characteristics・ Looking for inexperienced welcome job information・ Im looking for a job, but I want to get a job (change job) after seeing the gender ratio in the job information.・ Looking for a job with free clothes while changing jobs・ Looking for a job with a free hairstyle while changing jobs・ Im looking for a job for nail art・ Im looking for a job, but I want to change jobs to a company that accepts side jobs.・ Looking for a job while thinking about independence in the future・ Looking for a job at a company that can obtain qualifications・ I want to see security job information / job change information・ Looking for a job at a company where you can acquire skills・ I want to collect useful information and job change information for drivers.・ I want to see delivery-related job information / job change information・ There is a blank, but I am thinking of re-employment・ I want to collect useful information and job change information for barbers.・ Im looking for a job, but I want to get a job (change job) at a company that has maternity leave.・ I want to see mainly beauty-related jobs during job change activities・ I want to collect useful information and job change information for beauticians.・ I want to get a job (change job) at a company that has childcare leave・ I want to find a job that allows me to commute by motorcycle and change jobs・ In terms of job change conditions, we are looking for a job with an emphasis on the atmosphere of the workplace.・ I want to see job information / job change information for restaurants・ I want to collect useful information and job change information for individual sales・ I want to find a job while looking at a job with a company housing・ I want to search for jobs centered on job offers that can utilize the qualifications of registered sellers.・ I want to collect useful information and job change information for electricians.・ I want to see mainly medical jobs during job change activities・ I want to make a good job change using an easy-to-use job change app.・ I want to see IT-related job information / job change information・内部処理を改善しました。今後も頂いたレビューやご意見を参考に、より使いやすいアプリとなるよう改善してまいります。引き続き「バイトルNEXT」アプリをよろしくお願いいたします。